Hydration Guide: Is My Puppy Drinking Enough Water?

Last updated on: Jan 15, 2024

By: Stephanie Dunne

Puppy Drinking Water

Water is super important for your puppy's health. It keeps them happy and healthy!

Daily Water Needs for Puppies

Your puppy needs about one ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. So, if your puppy weighs 10 pounds, they should be drinking 10 ounces of water. It's that simple!

Signs of Insufficient Hydration

If your puppy isn't drinking enough, you'll notice some signs.

They may be panting, have dry gums, or their skin may not bounce back when you gently pinch it. They may be tired or not want to eat much. These are all signs that your puppy needs more water.

What to Do if Your Puppy is Not Drinking Water

Don't worry, there are easy ways to help your puppy drink more water!

Make Water Easily Accessible

Make sure your puppy can always get to their water bowl. Place a few bowls around your home so they can drink whenever they want.

Freshen up the Water

Puppies love fresh water! Change the water in their bowl often to keep it clean and tasty.

Hydrate Treats

There are treats that help keep your puppy hydrated. Look for treats that have water or are moist.

Switch Bowls

Sometimes, puppies don't like their bowls. Try a different bowl to see if your puppy prefers it. Some puppies like shallow bowls or even a special pet fountain.

Wrapping Up

Remember, keeping your puppy hydrated is a big part of taking good care of them. Following these tips will help ensure your furry friend stays healthy, active, and happy. Always keep an eye on their water habits, and if you're ever in doubt, don't hesitate to ask your vet for advice.

Did you know that drinking water too quickly can cause puppies to hiccup?

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