Naming your new puppy is an important first step in welcoming them into the family. If you’re considering a name that starts with D, you’ll love this list of 444 names! Sourced from the NYC Dog Licensing Dataset, we’ve gathered a variety of choices for both male and female dogs, ranging from bold and adventurous to sweet and gentle.
Whether you’re bringing home a daring Dachshund, a devoted Dalmatian, or a delightful Doberman, a name beginning with D can capture their unique charm. Explore our list to find a name that perfectly suits your new furry friend!
Male Dog Names Starting with D
Looking for a strong and memorable name for your boy dog? This list of male dog names beginning with D has options to fit any personality, from energetic to loyal.
Dachshund | Daddy | Daisy | Dakoda | Dakota |
Dale | Dali | Dallas | Dalton | Damian |
Damien | Damon | Damu | Dan | Dandy |
Dang | Danger | Daniel | Danny | Dante |
Dany | Dapper | Darby | Darcy | Darren |
Dart | Dartagnan | Darwin | Daryl | Dash |
Dasher | Dashiell | Dave | Davey | David |
Davidson | Davinci | Davis | Davy | Dawson |
Dax | Dayday | Deacon | Dean | Deano |
Debo | December | Decker | Declan | Dee |
Deebo | Deegan | Deejay | Deisel | Deja |
Del | Delgado | Delta | Deluca | Dembe |
Demo | Demon | Dempsey | Denahi | Denali |
Dene | Deni | Denim | Deniro | Dennis |
Denny | Denver | Denzel | Derby | Derek |
Derrick | Desi | Desmond | Deuce | Devon |
Dewey | Dex | Dexter | Dezi | Diamond |
Diaz | Dice | Dickens | Diddy | Diderot |
Didi | Diego | Diegoo | Diesel | Diezel |
Digby | Digger | Diggidy | Diggy | Dijon |
Dill | Dillan | Dillinger | Dillon | Dimitri |
Ding | Dingo | Dink | Dinky | Dino |
Dio | Diogi | Diogo | Dioji | Dior |
Dipper | Disco | Disney | Divo | Dixon |
Dizzy | Django | Dobby | Dobie | Doby |
Doc | Doctor | Dodge | Dodger | Dodi |
Dodo | Dog | Doggy | Dojo | Doki |
Doky | Dolce | Dollar | Dolly | Dom |
Dominic | Dominick | Domino | Domo | Don |
Donald | Donatello | Dong | Donkey | Donnie |
Donny | Donovan | Donut | Doo | Doobie |
Doodle | Doogie | Dookie | Dooley | Dopey |
Dorado | Dori | Dorian | Dorito | Dory |
Dou | Double | Doudou | Doug | Dougal |
Dougie | Douglas | Dov | Doxie | Dozer |
Draco | Dracula | Drago | Dragon | Drake |
Drako | Drama | Dre | Dream | Dreamer |
Dreamy | Drew | Drexel | Drogo | Droopy |
Dubi | Dublin | Dubu | Duck | Duckie |
Ducky | Dude | Dudley | Dudu | Duey |
Duff | Duffy | Dug | Dugan | Duke |
Dukey | Dulce | Duma | Dumbledore | Dumbo |
Dumpling | Duncan | Dundee | Dune | Dunkin |
Duo | Duoduo | Duque | Dusse | Dustin |
Dusty | Dutch | Dwight | Dybo | Dylan |
Dyson |
If you are planning to train your dog, check out Barksy, the ultimate dog training app!
Female Dog Names Starting with D
For those seeking a beautiful name for a female puppy, here are some delightful options beginning with D. You’re sure to find something that’s just right for her!
Dacey | Dachshund | Daenerys | Daffodil | Daffy |
Dafney | Dafny | Dagny | Dahlia | Daisey |
Daisie | Daisy | Daizy | Daka | Dakota |
Daley | Dalia | Dallas | Dally | Daly |
Dama | Damali | Dame | Dana | Danbi |
Dancer | Dandy | Dani | Dania | Danica |
Danielle | Danke | Danni | Danny | Dany |
Daphne | Daphnee | Daphnie | Dara | Darby |
Darcy | Daria | Darla | Darling | Darna |
Dasein | Dash | Dasha | Dasher | Dashi |
Dasie | Dasiy | Dassa | Dauphine | Davis |
Dawn | Dax | Dayja | Dayle | Daysi |
Daytona | Dazer | Dazy | Deanie | Debbie |
Deborah | Debugz | Decca | Dede | Dedee |
Dee | Deedee | Deejay | Deena | Deera |
Deja | Deku | Delancey | Delia | Deliah |
Delilah | Delirium | Delizia | Dell | Della |
Delliliah | Delphi | Delphine | Delta | Demi |
Dempsey | Denada | Denali | Deni | Denim |
Denver | Desdemona | Deseree | Desi | Desire |
Destiny | Dexy | Dharma | Dia | Diamond |
Diamondnik | Diana | Diane | Diasy | Diaz |
Dickens | Didi | Dido | Diego | Digby |
Dignan | Diletta | Dillon | Dilly | Dimsum |
Dina | Dinah | Dindi | Diner | Ding |
Dingo | Dino | Dionne | Dior | Dipper |
Dippydot | Dipsy | Disco | Disney | Dita |
Diva | Divina | Dixi | Dixie | Dizzy |
Django | Dobby | Dobie | Doc | Doce |
Dodger | Dodi | Dog | Doggiepie | Doherty |
Doire | Dolce | Dolcegioia | Dollar | Dollie |
Dolly | Dolores | Domie | Domino | Dona |
Donatella | Donna | Donut | Donuts | Doo |
Doodle | Doodles | Dooney | Dora | Dori |
Doria | Doris | Dorothy | Dorrit | Dory |
Dosie | Dot | Dottie | Dotty | Dou |
Douglas | Dove | Dow | Doxie | Doyle |
Drama | Drea | Dream | Drew | Dreya |
Drusilla | Dublin | Duchess | Duck | Duckie |
Ducky | Dueca | Duffy | Duke | Dulce |
Dulci | Dulcinea | Dulsiniya | Duma | Dumbledore |
Dumplin | Dumpling | Dunja | Duoduo | Dusky |
Dusse | Dustball | Dusty | Dusya | Dutch |
Dutches | Dutchess | Dylan |